Channel: Nick930
Category: Gaming
Tags: geforcegraphicsdowngrademicrosoftps4ps5bendvisualdynamicsequelnewcomparisonupgrade6080analysislightingnick930gonequalityshadowsst johnamd5700side-by-sidegameplayradeongameaccessdigital foundryrxbreakdowndirect6090vegetationretaildays gonezombiebetanvidiadeaconevolutionxboxwindowsps4profreakerpccrowbcatapocalypsertxdays5600
Description: Review code provided by Sony Computer Entertainment. A graphic comparison of the new PC release of Days Gone to its original PS4Pro counterpart. This detailed analysis covers every aspect of the game's visual presentation, including model complexity, environments, lighting, along with a brief overview of the performance differences between the two systems. PS5 is not included in this comparison due to ongoing repairs for the platform. When it returns - I will possibly return to covering Days Gone on PS5. Days Gone E3 vs Retail: Days Gone Review: